Pumpkin Hacking

  • Step One:Plant promising seeds
  • Step Two:Water, water, water
  • Step Three:As they grow, routinely remove all of the diseased or damaged pumpkins
  • Step Four:Weed like a mad dog. Not a single green leaf or root permitted if it isn’t a pumpkin plant
  • Step Five:When they grow larger, identify the stronger faster growing pumpkins. Then, remove all the less promising pumpkins. Repeat until you have one pumpkin on each vine.
  • Step Six:Focus all of your attention on the big pumpkin. Nurture it around the clock like a baby and guard it like you would your first Mustang convertible
  • Step Seven:Watch it grow. In the last days of the season this will happen so fast you can actually see it happen
  1. Relate above to your industry.
  2. Further read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_algorithm
  3. ????
  4. Profit.