What does 1268 Likes on Pinterest equal?


Spoiler Alert: 3 fucking hits.


The idea’s beautiful: every-time you “like” a recipe in pinterest, the user gets notified via email (which I still have to determine), but I expect it to be the same as a “you have a new follower” email:


A percentage of people will open that email and click “See Profile” link, and a percentage of those people will click on one of the two website links to see what we’re about:


I mean you post about food, we like it, you see that we’re a food company + FREE app, and you don’t even click on it? Are you fucking serious end-user?

Update: I racked this up to 15k likes to see if the ratio is the same. I won’t give away the answer, but it did give more laughs than users. 

Here’s my work for you to lawl @ http://pinterest.com/venio/